May 2020
Client 1

We learned of a family of 6 who had recently moved to Canada and had little more than a couple of mattresses. Speaking no English, it was tricky to communicate but with the help of an interpreter we were able to figure out what sizes of clothing were needed for the children and what items they would like. The smiles of the children and their thank yous as they helped us unload our vans really stuck with us
“What a fabulous job you have done! I don’t know how you were able to access all these items so quickly. This family must be so thankful for your help. You are doing good work. God Bless."
"I am flabbergasted. That is fantastic. I am sure this is a relief (for the family). What an amazing group effort completed in a challenging time. " Mike
"This is absolutely fabulous! The family must be grateful for all your help giving them a start in a new country…it takes courage to start all over again and difficult when you don’t have a team to help you navigate. Your team gives people hope, thank you for your help." Nancy H.
Client 2

A collection of new and used baby items for two Moms currently in a local shelter with their newborns.