JUNE 2021

Momma bear d has 3 children of her own. When she found out that her children's friends were going to be sent to foster care she took them in. Yes, you read that correctly - she is single parenting 6 kids ages 6-18, and working and running a home, while fighting to keep these kids out of the system. My visual of her includes her heart the size of my car and a super cape as part of daily wear.
“It is not always easy for me to talk about what is going on, but thank you for being there for me. I know I have the strength to handle anything as long as I have the love and support of the exceptional village behind me. Thank you for opening up your giving selfless spirits to our unique situation.
Your compassion, understanding, and thoughtful suggestions in hard times mean more to me than I can ever express. I am so happy that I was introduced to the kind members of The Fresh Start Project. Thank you for being the light that walked in to help brighten our darkness.
I am humbled and forever grateful.”